Tour de Luxembourg 2024

On the weekend of June 21st to 23rd of june 2024, the 38th edition of the AMAL Tour de Luxembourg for vintage motorcycles took place. The main event of the AMAL, which had already set new records last year, aimed to grow even further this year.

Already on Friday, 60 people had registered to participate in the tour of about 110 km, led by Georges Weis and Pascal Petitjean, despite the moderate weather. A stop was made halfway at the campsite in Holtz, where a small refreshment was provided before heading back to Fuussekaul.

For the first time this year, a Friday evening dinner was held in the cozy tent where the Tour de Luxembourg is now held. True to the name of our tour, Luxembourgish specialties were served to both local and many foreign guests. There was a Feierstengszalot as a starter, Kniddelen with cream and bacon as the main course, and white cheese with quince jelly as dessert.

Saturday featured the grand tour organized by Steve Marquis, which followed a marked route through the Sauertal, Little Switzerland of Luxembourg  and Echternach, leading to Hinkel. Here, the 85 participants from Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Germany, and the Netherlands who joined the Saturday tour were offered a cultural visit to the Matchbox Museum. Outside in the courtyard, a good Bouneschlupp was served, in line with the Luxembourgish motto, before the parade made its way back to Fuussekaul via winding small roads in now dry weather.

After covering about 190 km on Saturday, the participants were served soup, ham, fries, and salad, a Bouchée à la Reine, and a good piece of pie in the evening.

On Sunday, the weather finally cooperated. Under the leadership of Mike Koedinger and Pascal Petitjean, a beautiful tour of about 90 km was undertaken. Again, the Follow-Up-System was used, but this time due to the large number of participants, in two groups. In Vianden, a break with a fantastic view of the castle was taken in the finest weather before continuing directly with a small "Speciale." Here, all participants could let their machines run freely between Vianden and Untereisenbach before regrouping in Untereisenbach and continuing.

Upon our return to Fuussekaul, there was a small farewell snack of cooked cheese on sourdough bread, where our satisfied guests could reflect on the pleasant weekend before gradually making their way home.

AMAL extends a big thank you to the many helping hands, especially our ladies who cooked, baked, and helped so well. We also thank the AMAL members who ensured everything ran smoothly throughout the weekend, whether behind the counter, in the cars with trailers, marking the 190 km Saturday tour, or setting up and taking down our tent.

Furthermore, AMAL thanks Jang and Meg from the Matchbox Museum Hinkel and their kind neighbor for warmly welcoming us and significantly contributing to the success of the Saturday tour of TdL 2024.

Finally, we say a big thank you to all the people from home and abroad who found their way to our Tour de Luxembourg this year for their participation. We hope to welcome you all (and maybe your friends with their motorcycles) again next year for the 39th edition of the AMAL Tour de Luxembourg for vintage motorcycles.

You can find a large photo gallery below:

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